Conditional Sentence
Conditional (Kalimat Pengandaian) menjelaskan bahwa sebuah kegiatan bertentangan dengan kegiatan yang lain. Conditional yang paling umum adalah Real Conditonal dan Unreal Conditonal, kadang-kadang disebut juga if-clauses.
Real Conditional (sering juga disebut juga dengan Conditional Tipe I) yang menggambarkan tentang mengandai-andai sesuai dengan fakta.
Unreal Conditional (sering juga disebut sebagai Conditional Tipe II) yang menggambarkan tentang pengandaian yang tidak nyata atau berimajinasi.
Ada juga Conditional yang ke-3 yang sering disebut dengan Conditional Tipe III, digunakan sebagai penyesalan yang terjadi di masa lampau dan zero conditional, digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu yang sudah pasti benar.
Catatan: Jika klausa "if" diletakkan di awal kalimat, kita harus menggunakan “koma”. Sebaliknya jika klausa "if" berada di belakang, maka tidak perlu ada koma.
Zero Conditional
Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kebenaran umum. Tense yang digunakan biasanya Present Simple Tense
(Klausa IF) | (Induk Kalimat) |
If you heat water to 100OC, | it boils. |
(Induk Kalimat) | (Klausa IF) |
Water boils | if you heat it to 100OC, |
- If you drop an apple, it falls. = An apple falls, if you drop it.
- If you don't do your homework, I will be disappointed. = I will be disappointed, if you don't do your homework.
Catatan: Pada tipe ini, ”if” sering digantikan dengan "when"
Conditional Tipe I
Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan pengandaian yang dibuat berdasarkan fakta di masa sekarang atau masa yang akan datang dan pengandaian ini bisa saja terjadi. Klausa “if” biasanya dalam bentuk Present Simple Tense.
(Klausa IF) | (Induk Kalimat) |
If I see you tomorrow, | I will buy you a drink. |
(Induk Kalimat) | (Klausa IF) |
I will buy you a drink | if I see you tomorrow. |
Kita sering menggunakan unless yang artinya 'jika... tidak’.
(Klausa IF) | (Induk Kalimat) |
Unless you hand in your homework, | I won't mark it. |
Artinya | |
If you don't hand in your homework, | I won't mark it. |
(Induk Kalimat) | (Klausa IF) |
I won't mark your homework | unless you hand it in. |
Artinya | |
I won't mark your homework | if you don't hand it in. |
Catatan: Kita tidak pernah menggunakan will, atau won't dalam Klausa IF.
- If I have time today, I will phone my friend. = I will phone my friend, if I have time today.
- If I go to England, I will buy some Cheddar cheese. = I will buy some Cheddar cheese, if I go to England.
Conditional Tipe II
Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang tidak nyata di masa sekarang atau masa yang akan datang. Tipe ini digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah harapan. Tenses yang digunakan dalam klausa IF adalah Past Simple Tense.
(Klausa IF) | (Induk Kalimat) |
If I won the lottery, | I would buy a new house. |
(Induk Kalimat) | (Klausa IF) |
I would buy a new house | if I won the lottery. |
Catatan: Jangan gunakan would atau wouldn't dalam Klausa IF.
1. If I were you, I wouldn't do that. = I wouldn't do that, if I were you.
2. If I had more time, I would do more on my websites. = I would do more on my websites, if I had more time.
Conditional Tipe III
Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah kondisi di masa yang lampau yang tidak mungkin akan terjadi lagi. Sering digunakan untuk mengkritik atau penyesalan. Tenses yang digunakan dalam Klausa IF adalah Past Perfect Tense.
(Klausa IF) | (Induk Kalimat) |
If I had worked harder, | I would have passed my exam. |
If I had worked harder, | I could have passed my exam. |
If I had worked harder, | I should have passed my exam. |
(Induk Kalimat) | (Klausa IF) |
I would have passed my exam | if I had worked harder. |
I could have passed my exam | if I had worked harder. |
I should have passed my exam | if I had worked harder. |
Catatan: Jangan gunakan would have atau wouldn't have, dll dalam Klausa IF.
- If I hadn't helped you, you would have failed. = You would have failed, if I hadn't helped you.
- If it had been sunny, we could have gone out. = We could have gone out, if it had been.
Contoh Paragraf :
Once upon a time, there was a duck and a buffalo lived in a swamp. They lived together. One day, the buffalo saw the hunters want to catch his friend, the duck. The duck didn’t see that there are hunters who were approached her. The buffalo trying to stop the hunter but he failed. He thought if his friend died, he would feel very sad1.
Then he met a bee passed him, and then the buffalo ask the bee to tell the duck that there is a hunter who was hunting her. The bee agreed to meet with the duck. Because the duck would be angry if the bee didn’t help her2. When the bee had met the duck, he said, there are the hunters want to kill you, go before they were met you!!!.The duck then run away from the hunters.
After the hunters is not there again, the duck is come back to the swamp and her thanked to the buffalo and the bee for their help. She said that she might die if they didn’t immediately notify her. Then the bee said, “Don’t thank me, give thanks to the buffalo because he was worried” The buffalo then smiled and said to the duck that, he would help her if he could3. Finally, they lived happily ever after.
Kalimat Conditional Yang Terkandung :
1. If his friend died, he would feel very sad.
Rumus : If + S + Verb 2, S + would(be) + Verb 1
2. If the bee didn’t help her
Rumus : If + S + Verb 2
3. If he could
Rumus : If + S + Verb 2
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