Prediction of Consumer Behavior by Experts and Novices
J. Scott Armstrong
Are those who are familiar with scientific research on
consumer behavior better able to make predictions about phenomena in this field?
Predictions were made for 105 hypotheses from 20 empirical studies selected
from Journal of Consumer Research. A total of 1,736 predictions were obtained
from 16 academics, 12 practitioners, and 43 high school students: The
practitioners were correct on 58.2 percent of the hypotheses, the students on
56.6 percent, and the academics on 51.3 percent. No group performed better than
This article presents a
study on the predictive value of scientific knowledge of consumer behavior. It
does this by obtaining predictions from people who should be well acquainted
with such knowledge, and comparing their predictions with those by people who
are unlikely to have this knowledge.
The first section of the
article presents the hypotheses. A description of the prediction study is then
presented, followed by results and limitations. Finally, suggestions are
provided for improving the predictive value of research on consumer behavior.
Consumer behavior was expected to be a
field in which one could demonstrate gains in predictive validity as. A result
of scientific research. The Journal of Consumer Research's (JCR's) style
sheet asks for substantive contributions that "lend themselves to
generalization." The Journal's articles are among the most widely cited
of all those published in business and management research. According to the Social
Science Citation Index Journal Citation Report for 1987, JCR ranked
first among the 51 business journals as measured by the citation "impact factor."
This means that researchers draw upon the research published in JCR and
that findings from JCR are communicated among academics. The Journal
is also highly regarded by faculty (Luke and Doke 1987). In addition, the
field of consumer behavior displays a strong emphasis on empirical testing of
Scott Armstrong is
professor of marketing, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA. 19104.
He thanks the following people for
assistance: Kim Rossini and Stuart Neuman aided in writing descriptions of the
studies; Martha Lightwood copy edited the survey materials; Wende Gladfelter
and Kenneth Weissman administered some of the surveys; Mitzi Vorachek arranged
for data collection at Strath Haven High School; Larry Bortner assisted in
coding the data; and Kenneth Weissman aided in the analysis of the results and commented
on various drafts. Useful comments were received from many people, among them
were Dennis A. Ahlburg, David A. Bessler, Russell W. Belk, Stuart
Bretschneider, A. S. C. Ehrenberg. George H. Haines, Jr., Steven J. Hoch,
Morris Holbrook, Raymond Hubbard, Shelby Hunt, Jacob Jacoby, David L. Kendall,
Jerome B. Kernan, Joel Kupfersmid, Donald Lehmann, John D. C. Little, Richard
Oliver, Brian Ratchford, William Ross, John R. Rossiter, Terence A. Shimp, and
three anonymous reviewers.
The gain in predictive
validity might be viewed as a measure of scientific achievement. I administered
a questionnaire to a convenience sample of academics at the Marketing Science
Conference at Duke University in March 1989. Most academics agreed with the
statement that predictive validity provides one way to assess scientific
achievement. On a scale from 1 (disagree strongly) to 5 (agree strongly), the
19 respondents averaged 4. The idea of using the relative predictive ability of
experts over naive subjects as an operational measure of scientific achievement
also met with substantial agreement (3.8 on the scale).
Three groups thought to
have varying knowledge of and ability to predict consumer behavior are
academics, marketing practitioners, and consumers in general. A substantial
number of academics spend much time studying the scientific work done in
consumer behavior. The Journal provides a focal point for their efforts.
Academics use their scientific knowledge of consumer behavior as a basis for
such activities as teaching, consulting for corporations, and testifying in
legal and regulatory proceedings. In contrast, marketing practitioners are not
likely to be as familiar with this scientific literature. However,
practitioners gain expertise through their experience. This expertise might help
them make accurate predictions of consumer behavior. Finally, while few
scientific studies on consumer behavior reach the general public, consumers'
personal experiences should help them predict certain aspects of consumer
The above discussion
implies two hypotheses about consumer behavior predictions. The first deals
with the value of expertise, while the second examines the value of scientific
knowledge as the source of expertise.
H1: Experts can make more
accurate predictions than novices.
H2: Academics can make
more accurate predictions than practitioners.
In a survey of the editorial board of JCR,
an overwhelming majority agreed with these hypotheses.
Design of the Study
I presented descriptions of studies to
subjects and asked them to predict the outcomes. This section describes the selection
of research studies, the procedure used to describe the studies, the wording of
the questions, and the selection of subjects.
of Studies
I examined predictive
ability in situations that were of interest to academics by using studies from JCR.
This would presumably give the academics an opportunity to use their
scientific knowledge of consumer behavior for making predictions.
The following criteria were used for
the selection of studies from JCR:
1. A 10-year period was chosen, starting with the June 1977
issue and using the June issue from each year thereafter. In the event that too
few articles met the criteria in a June issue, the September issue was used.
Two articles were selected from each year.
2. Only articles with
fewer than 10 pages were included.
3. The study had to
empirically test at least one hypothesis.
4. The studies were described clearly and would not require
much technical knowledge on the part of the subjects.
To obtain 20 articles that met the four
criteria, we examined 94. Thirty-two percent exceeded 10 pages, 40 percent did
not test any hypotheses, and 6 percent lacked clarity. The selected studies are
listed in Exhibit 1.
Descriptions of the Studies
To avoid a task that was too onerous for the subjects, I
restricted the description of each study to two pages. This description
included only information that was related to the present study. Outcomes were
excluded because they were what the subjects were asked to predict.
Six steps were taken, in the following order: (1) a research
assistant summarized each of the 20 studies, (2) 1 edited the summaries, (3) a
professional editor copy edited the revised versions, and (4) then I sent each
description to the original author, asking if it was correct and fair. Replies
were received from authors of all but one article. The authors considered the
descriptions to be correct and fair. They also sent suggestions for changes,
and these were incorporated in the final descriptions. (5) We pretested each description
with at least three subjects. (6) A second research assistant reviewed and
proofread the descriptions.
In view of the difficulty of the prediction task, we sent
only five of the 20 studies to each subject. The study descriptions were
grouped into batches and sent out according to a systematic sampling plan. On
average, each subject made about 26 predictions.
questions stated the proposed hypotheses and asked the subjects to predict
whether each hypothesis tended to be true or false. A "do not
understand" response category was included.
There were
105 hypotheses, and two examples are given below.
1. "The more
frequently an adolescent interacts with peers about consumption matters, the
greater is the tendency to use peer preferences in evaluating products"
(Moschis and Moore 1979).
2. "A person will be
more satisfied with their recently purchased car if the car met or exceeded his
prior expectations" (Westbrook 1980).
The results
of the studies supported these two hypotheses.
The original wording was used for all hypotheses, and it typically
indicated the original authors' statements on the directional effects of the
A research assistant coded the actual outcomes for each
study to enable subjects' predictions to be compared with them. Our survey of
the original authors sought verification that this coding of outcomes was
correct. After I received the authors' confirmation, a second-research
assistant checked the coding. All procedures yielded agreement on all items.
I was interested in obtaining responses from academics
likely to be exposed to scientific research on consumer behavior. Systematic
sampling was used to select 100 academics from the 1986 membership directory of
the Association for Consumer Research (only academic addresses were used).
Although the level of expertise varies greatly among the persons in this group,
their overall expertise in consumer behavior should be high. For the
practitioner group, I wanted subjects who worked with marketing problems but
who were unlikely to be familiar with scientific research on consumer behavior.
Systematic sampling was used to select 100 practitioners from the 1984 American
Marketing Association membership directory (academic addresses were excluded).
A self-addressed envelope was enclosed in the original
mailings, and two postcard reminders were sent. Replies were received from 20
academics and 13 practitioners.
were asked whether they had previously read each of the studies. Two academics
had read most of the studies; because few of their predictions were usable
(three or fewer), all responses from these subjects were excluded. Two academic
respondents said that they did not understand all of the hypotheses, so they
were also excluded. This left 16 academics. One practitioner was excluded
because he said that he did not understand the instructions, which reduced the
number of practitioners to 12. Six academics and one practitioner reported
reading one or more studies, and their responses for these studies were
Responses from the novices (tenth- and eleventh grade
students in honors English classes at Strath Haven High School in Wallingford,
PA) were obtained in a group setting. Because these students were expected to
have little intrinsic interest, an incentive of $25 was provided for the
individuals in each of the two classes who made the most accurate predictions.
All 43 students in the classes responded.
Contrary to the first hypothesis, the experts (academics and
practitioners) did not make more accurate predictions. They were correct in
52.6 percent of their predictions, while the novices were correct in 56.6
The second hypothesis was also false. Academics were not
more accurate than practitioners. In fact, the academics' accuracy, 51.3
percent, was the poorest of the three groups.4 The results are summarized in
Table 1.5
Comparisons against Chance
The hypotheses were all worded so that "true"
corresponded to the original authors' hypotheses about the direction of the
results. This was done because an attempt to randomize the wording produced
awkwardly worded hypotheses for many items.
The subjects did not know that the wording reflected the
original authors' hypotheses about the direction of the effects, nor did they
know the base rate (the proportion of hypotheses for which "true" was
the correct answer). Had the subjects known that the base rate exceeded 50
percent, they could have used this to improve their accuracy. For example, by
assuming that researchers typically found what they were looking for and, as a
result, predicting "true" for all hypotheses, a subject would have
been correct for 74.2 percent of the predictions. Subjects who gave a higher percentage
of true answers would be expected to achieve a higher level of accuracy. In
fact, the three groups differed little in the frequency with which they
predicted true. The practitioners predicted true slightly more often (68.1 percent)
than the academics (66.7 percent) and the students (66.3 percent).
To establish the accuracy level that one could expect by
chance, I assumed that subjects had no predictive ability. This allowed the chance
level to be calculated from
× At
+ Pf × Af
where Pt
is the percentage of times true was predicted, At
is the percentage of times that the actual outcome was true,
Pf is the percentage of times false was
predicted, and Af is the percentage of times that the
outcome was false.
The expected levels of chance predictions were almost
identical among the three groups (see the next to last column in Table 1). No
group performed better than chance. It is surprising that predictions by the
academics were significantly less accurate than chance (Z
= 2.58; p <.01).
Comparisons against Experts' Expectations
To provide
benchmarks for the evaluation of predictive validity, I conducted a survey of JCR's
editorial review board. The questions that were posed are as follows.
We plan to ask three groups of subjects to predict the
outcomes of hypotheses for 100 studies in a sample drawn from JCR.
Specifically, they would be asked to state whether a hypothesis would tend to
be true or false. Please estimate the ability of these groups to make correct
predictions of the direction of the results. (Someone with no information at
all would expect to be correct about 50 percent of the time by chance alone.)
(a) How often would you expect correct predictions by academic experts with a
strong interest in consumer behavior, as judged by membership in the Association
for Consumer Research? (b) How often would you expect correct predictions by practitioners
with a serious interest in marketing, as judged by membership in the American Marketing
Association? (c) How often would you expect correct predictions by naive
subjects, who would be selected from among intelligent high school students?
were received from 43 board members, an 86 percent return rate. Their responses
appear in the last column of Table 1 and serve as a basis for comparison.6 The
levels of accuracy are surprising in light of these expectations. In
particular, the academics' accuracy level (51.3 percent) was much lower than
the board members had expected (80 percent).
Additional Statistical Tests
It was possible that differences in the number of hypotheses
predicted by each subject may have affected the results. To examine this, I
calculated an accuracy score for each individual. I then made a comparison
between experts and novices using the extended median test (Siegel and
Castellan 1988). This test reduces the impact of extreme responses. The
students tended to be more accurate than the academics, but the superiority was
not statistically significant.
The predictions were then summarized for each hypothesis
(rather than by using individual predictions). Students were most accurate for
31 of the hypotheses, practitioners for 31, and the academics for only 20 (the
rest were ties). These results were consistent with those on the poor
predictive validity of the academics, but the difference was not statistically
When the study was used as the unit of analysis (i.e.,
examining the average predictive validity by study), the results again failed
to support the hypotheses. Here, the high school students were more accurate
than the academics in 11 of the 20 studies. The students did better than the
practitioners in 10 of 20 studies.
Researchers may be able to make predictions only about their
own specialties within the field. If their specialties were narrow, their
knowledge might not have been useful in analyzing studies from other specialties.7
On the other hand, academics speak of consumer behavior as a body of knowledge,
some teach courses on consumer behavior, and textbooks treat consumer behavior
as a field.
The emphasis that JCR places on
"new knowledge" suggests that these studies might be new areas and,
as a result, the experts might not be aware of them. This does not seem highly
plausible because, in 19 of the 20 studies, the authors made extensive use of
prior research in developing their hypotheses and interpreting their results.
The criteria used in selecting papers may have led to
biases. Shorter and less complex papers were selected from JCR. Academics might
have had an advantage over the other two groups if the papers had been more
No information was obtained on the ways in which subjects
made predictions. The academics might not have shown sufficient care in
applying their knowledge effectively. Of course, this same argument could be
used for the practitioners and novices.
Although the sample sizes were large with respect to
predictions (1,736), hypotheses (105), and total respondents (71), they were limited
with respect to subgroups of respondents (e.g., 16 academics) and the number of
studies (20). On the other hand, statistically significant results were
obtained. Given that these results were in the wrong direction, it would
require a very large sample to reverse the findings.9
The above limitations raise the possibility that the poor
performance of the academics was due to the design of the study. Other
limitations, however, favored the academics. One is that the experts were more
selective in their forecasts. Forecasters can typically improve their accuracy
by refusing to make predictions in difficult cases. Thus, while the high school
students made predictions for 98 percent of the hypotheses, the practitioners
and academics made predictions for 91.8 and 89.9 percent, respectively. Other
conditions favoring academics were as follows: (1) the situations were selected
by academic researchers, (2) it is likely that those academics who responded
had more expertise than the nonresponding academics, and. (3) academics may
have read the papers and forgotten that they had done so.
This study examined the value of scientific research in
making predictions about consumer behavior. The reasons for success or failure
were not studied. For example, the subjects' failure to obtain good predictions
could have occurred because the research described in the 20 papers had little
replicability.10 Hubbard and Armstrong (1994) found that only 15 percent of
published replications in the major marketing journals provided full support
for the original findings, while 60 percent provided conflicting results.
Perhaps the academics had difficulty in predicting outcomes because they were
able to think of competing hypotheses for each situation. Indeed, it often
happens that more than one hypothesis seems applicable. Huck and Sandler (1979)
found plausible hypotheses to explain the results for all but one of 95
published studies.
Other possible explanations are that the scientific research
on consumer behavior does not yield findings that can be generalized, that the
generalizations do not yield unambiguous predictions, that the findings are not
effectively written, that the scientists do not understand the research in this
area, that researchers cannot effectively use the knowledge, or that they
refuse to believe the findings. It is interesting that, for the 14 papers read
by six of the academics, their predictive accuracy was only 69.4 percent.
Jacoby (1978, p. 87) in his 1975 presidential address to the
Association for Consumer Research, concluded that too large a proportion of the
consumer research literature is of little value. He proposed that researchers
in consumer behavior should demonstrate the predictive value of their findings.
Given the results of this study, Jacoby's advice still seems relevant.
Journals might take steps to favor publication of research
that demonstrates predictive value. One way to encourage this would be through
a structured reviewers' rating sheet that asks whether tests of predictive
validity have been made, whether the study has been replicated, whether the
findings are clear enough so that others can use it, and whether the conditions
under which the findings apply have been well specified.
The scientific research on consumer behavior has not been
shown to produce findings that can be generalized so that they are useful. for
prediction.12 This study does not, however, argue against research on consumer
behavior. A lack of general findings implies a need for research in each
situation. Hoch (1988) found that, although marketing managers were, in
general, less accurate than novices in making predictions about consumer
interests and opinions, those who were familiar with research specific to these
situations were more accurate.
Contrary to the hypotheses, experts were not more accurate
than novices, and academics were not more accurate than practitioners in this
study based on 1,736 predictions about consumer behavior. The expectations of
all JCR board members were incorrect for at
least one of the two hypotheses in this study.
None of the subject groups performed better than chance. The
academics did significantly worse than chance.
The results differed significantly from the expectations of JCR
board members. This was especially so for the academics; the
board members expected 80 percent accuracy, but the academics achieved only
51.3 percent. This was significantly worse than chance.
This study should be extended by using a larger sample of
experts, additional studies on consumer behavior, and different procedures for
selecting the studies and the subjects. Future research might also try to
understand why academics are unable to provide more accurate predictions.
Knowledge of consumer behavior should be useful. Currently, however, we have
little understanding of the conditions under which scientific knowledge of
consumer behavior has predictive value.
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